Welcome to CCTG Ministries!

Shalom and welcome to CCTG Ministries! We are glad you found us and believe it's no accident you are here. This site is full of thoughts and actions for you to ponder, guide, and implement in the course of your life to come closer to God (CCTG). No matter your relationship to God at this very moment, we hope you bookmark this site and explore it on a regular basis to learn more about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Church.

Thought of the Week

Idolatry Economics

0301. Idolatry Economics

October 16, 2022

Idolatry is a term traditionally associated with the Bible. After all, the First Commandment in Exodus 20:3 (CSB) states, “Do not have other gods beside […]


0203. Leadership

October 9, 2022

It is election season in the United States once again, and we are constantly being bombarded with advertisements in every form from print mail to […]

Stumbling in the Dark

0202. Stumbling in the Dark

October 2, 2022

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, but have been too lazy to turn on the […]

Where is God?

0201. God Still Present in a God-Omitted Culture

September 25, 2022

For the last generation, we have pushed God out of American culture. Once common sites such as the Ten Commandments in courts and Nativity scenes […]


Faith Over Fear

0102. Faith Over Fear

By Darrick Hom | February 7, 2023

In our previous article, we defined God as being love. However, we are only halfway done in understanding our relationship with God. The next task […]

God is Love

0101. God is Love

By Darrick Hom | December 26, 2022

Introduction of Our Relationship with God In any relationship, we need to identify the parties involved first. Therefore, we need to define both God and […]

In The Beginning

0006. Start of Something God

By Darrick Hom | September 4, 2022

Shalom (שלום), or peace and hello as they say in Hebrew! Welcome to the beginning of CCTG Ministries, a newly created micro ministry. New beginnings […]

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