Darrick Hom

About Us

Hi there! My name is Darrick Hom and I am the host of this micro-ministry site, CCTG Ministries. To be honest, I'm like you, just one of billions of people living on this planet we call home. I am a practicing structural engineer living in the San Francisco Bay Area, enjoying everyday life watching baseball, getting exercise, and ballroom dancing. And like a majority of people in the Bible, I'm a nobody. Yet the strange thing is that God often calls nobodies to help bring his plans to fruition. During the COVID pandemic, God opened my eyes to all that was going on around me and has compelled me to share what I have learned. Therefore, I've developed this site to gather the insights given to me so you can have a better understanding of how to come closer to God (CCTG). If you have any questions, feel free to email me at info@cctgministries.com. May peace, love and blessings be with you!

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