Welcome to CCTG Ministries!

Shalom and welcome to CCTG Ministries! We are glad you found us and believe it's no accident you are here. This site is full of thoughts and actions for you to ponder, guide, and implement in the course of your life to come closer to God (CCTG). No matter your relationship to God at this very moment, we hope you bookmark this site and explore it on a regular basis to learn more about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Church.

Thought of the Week


0901. Recognizing Shepherds

December 11, 2022

Have you ever wondered how the Nativity would play out if it were to occur today? How might the story manifest itself given today’s cultural […]

Two Sides of a Coin

0205. Two Sides of the Same Coin

December 4, 2022

In our previous thought, we had discussed how we live in a culture of deception. However, have you ever wondered how we ended up in […]

Card Up Sleeve

0204. The Culture of Deception

November 27, 2022

In Hans Christian Andersen’s classic folk tale The Emperor’s New Clothes, two swindlers convince a king to give them gold to make a new set […]

Giving Thanks

0106. The Miracle of Giving Thanks

November 20, 2022

This week in the United States, people are celebrating Thanksgiving. We hope you are spending the day with loved ones and other friends. Even though […]


Faith Over Fear

0102. Faith Over Fear

By Darrick Hom | February 7, 2023

In our previous article, we defined God as being love. However, we are only halfway done in understanding our relationship with God. The next task […]

God is Love

0101. God is Love

By Darrick Hom | December 26, 2022

Introduction of Our Relationship with God In any relationship, we need to identify the parties involved first. Therefore, we need to define both God and […]

In The Beginning

0006. Start of Something God

By Darrick Hom | September 4, 2022

Shalom (שלום), or peace and hello as they say in Hebrew! Welcome to the beginning of CCTG Ministries, a newly created micro ministry. New beginnings […]

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